Tuesday, September 8, 2015

TRY CHRIST--Hezekiah Walker (feat. Monique Walker)

I am so excited with all that God is doing in this hour in the lives of those in the Kingdom!!
 The prophetic word God has given me for this hour for some of you is that He says “it is time for you to fully trust me, you say you trust me with your mouth, yet you harbor doubt in your heart. It is time for you to trust me completely with your life; for I know what is best for you. Stop going ahead of me! Release and relinquish unto me thus sayeth the Lord!!!!

The Lord has so much better in store for you; but you must receive and believe this as the Holy Spirit has imparted the words RELEASE AND RELINQUISH unto Him. It is simply amazing that we can cast all cares upon the one whom truly cares the one who can surely help us! To God be the glory for the great things; He has done and for what He has 
in store. 

©2015 Evonn Firms Ministries

Be blessed and please enjoy the video!! You've done it your way now TRY CHRIST!!

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