Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Genesis- Sister To Sister Moment

Sometimes God has to place you in solitary confinement for you to look at you. Looking in the mirror shouldn't just be to examine what may be our physical imperfections, and flaws; however looking deeper inside to what is internally scarred within us. There are some scars that from the physical eye that are hidden deep and we try with much human effort to keep these facts that are really ugly about us from surfacing. 

Many women have tried to mask hidden scars with makeup, material things, and yes even men. Some women have truly lost their sense of self and value by associating how they ultimately feel about themselves which they ultimately have tied or associated with the intention of "getting" a man. We can find many women with this same ideology within any environment even within the confines of our local worship places. 

God is wanting you to see yourself as He sees you!! You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  We too were created in His image as outlined in the "beginning" GENESIS 1:27. God felt that Adam needed and was worthy of a help-meet and along came Eve in Chapter 2. God orchestrated a blessing while Adam was asleep. God performed the first surgery on Adam to bring his blessing; his God ordained blessing to pass.

God presented Eve to Adam as a gift; you are the added blessing to your assigned Adam's life. If it's God-sent you won't have to force it; nor lose or compromise all of who you are to keep it!!!! God has a special man in mind that is anointed and ordained for you!!

So your  biggest achievement in life shouldn't be "getting" a man. Because if you learn to wait on God He has who He's purposed already assembled just for you!!


©2014 Evonn Firms

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