Friday, November 7, 2014

Don't Shoot the messenger but repeated mistakes are called CHOICES!! Some of yall women need a hobby not a husband. Find out who you are first and get your flesh under the subjection and the will of God.

I am sorry but every man you meet is NOT a potential husband nor husband material because you're not ready to be a wife!! It may look good on paper; but so does dead presidents.

Poor decisions should never come from a place of serial rejection; you must learn from past decisions. Age is clearly not a precursor to wisdom; ladies you deserve so much more. Yes it maybe easier said than done, however when you allow yourself to continuously be played time after time think about your children's lives you are destroying. Think about your very own life that you continue to compromise with just for the sake of saying you have some BODY!!

As a mother you have to lead by example; and what kind of example are you setting? Every potential "sleeping" mate is not qualified to be your ordained mate. Some of you need to place a sign on yourselves CLOSED FOR REPAIRS!!! There are some signs in which you can't continue to ignore. Ask God to lead you!! Allow revelation to lead you; not your matters of the heart!!

You have to embrace the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made!! The only man you should think like is JESUS and act like the lady that he has purposed and called you to be!! When you do it God's way and in God's timing trust that you were well worth the wait!!

Get free of your brokenness; give it all over to God!!

Psalms 139:14

©2014 Evonn Firms

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