Saturday, November 1, 2014


I often wonder why so many single mothers lower their standards after bad relationships. I know many who often spiral into those same types of relationships only to be disappointed time after; time. To consciously keep making different soul tie after the next and to only consider "how you feel" after the smoke clears. You selfishly give yourself into relationship after relationship and neglecting the very relationships that should be your main priority. Your relationship with God and your relationship with your children. These two relationships are placed on the back burner while you continue in longing to be loved; wanted; and appreciated. All the feelings can be accommodated right where you are (home).

I am more apt to believe that it is more to life than "chasing" after love. Love undetected leads to the lives of your children being negatively impacted; because they will repeat the very cyclone of habits in which you have subjected them to. The catch-phrase from the movie Baby Boy his mother said " well mama got to have a life too" bothers me to the core. You volunteered your life in order to give life!!! Single mother is not a chosen title; it is infact a given when circumstances that may be beyond your control involuntarily elects you to carry this title.

God has purposed you to be more than a woman; He purposed you to be created in His image. Upholding what is right and what is true. God granted women the right to give life; that is the greatest gift that one could ever be given. Today say this short prayer: Lord I thank you for my life and the blessing you have given me to give life. Please make my life and my testimony one that is pleasing in your sight. Lord make my life be a life of blessing to all those that I may come in contact with. Mostly Lord make me the woman of God; the mother that YOU will have to me to be. Help me to be the mother that You have purposed me to be.


Proverbs 1:8


©2014 Evonn Firms

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