Saturday, November 1, 2014

I am so pleased to be finishing up on some very important projects. I am currently finishing up an inspirational book focusing on single mothers; which I know will be a blessing for all to read. I am also working on my non-profit organization the Latter Rain Project. God is so awesome so if I haven't been a "chatty" friend, sister, etc. charge it to my head and not my heart. Please stay tuned as my creativity yields to God's will and His timing. Praying that my work will create dialogue and speak life to those who receive it! There is so much that I have experienced throughout the course of my life and God has called me to help other women by empowering and inspiring them. Through love and ministry I pray that lives are impacted and changed for the better. I lean not on my own understanding but that of Jesus who first allowed Himself to be broken. Out of my brokenness I am a willing vessel to do what He has purposed for me. Empower, Inspire, Impact, Encourage and Equip. From Pain to Purpose to the Pursuit of Promise!!!!

©2014 Evonn Firms

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