Monday, August 3, 2015

 The Holy Spirit......


I thank God for the gift of discernment and as I get older and a lot wiser I realize that alike other gifts some are not filled with this gift. In 1 Corinthians 12:10 "....... to another [is given the gift of] discerning spirits."
Ladies as we see the condition of the modern church, many of you who have yet to be married, or those of you whom desire to remarry are considering the thought of settling. Many of you are settling on younger men whom are barely older than your very own children; or the older deacons and or elders of the church whom are old enough to be your dad or grandfather. Then the option of those men whom you know are more feminine than you; yet for some strange reason you have been blinded to the mannerisms that are so obvious to the "carnal" eye nevermind the "spiritual"eye. 

The fact of the matter that many of these men are not on the down low; your HOLY SPIRIT has not been tuned high. This comes from not allowing Him access to you. 

The ability to discern spirits is a supernatural ability endowed within some by the Holy Spirit. In life and in regards to those of you who are casually dating; or dating with the intent of marrying the apostle John records in 1 John 4:1 " Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test [TRY] the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Being able to spiritually see a person's spirit can save you a lot heartache as well as time. We have too many cosmetic consummations within the church. Women who know their spouses are not heterosexual are saying I do everyday.

Cosmetic consummations within the church are on the rise because many of these men do not want deliverance they are living in denial. Both parties using each other for the appearance of a marriage that's unequally yoked; an illegal consummation. 

Ladies before you say I do and you lack this gift of discernment please surround yourselves around those whom are in tune with the Holy Spirit who may offer you some free advice beforehand.

©2015 Evonn Firms Ministries

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