Monday, January 12, 2015

New Year New You!

Happy New Year to You!!

As defined by Google:
a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way.
"revelations about his personal life"

the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.

Revelations Not Resolutions!!
There are many who brought in the New Year fellowshipping in designated “Watch Night” services, or with family and friends in other celebratory events. No matter how you chose to usher in the New Year many decided on 12/31/2014 that there was some things, some people, some habits, and some mindsets, just something that you refused to take into 2015. Many analyzed 2014 and all the events that transpired within that year relating to personal experience or knowing of others’ experiences.
2014 many suffered losses of people, and tangible things; but declared that 2015 would be greater. I can personally attest that 2014 was definitely an emotional, financial, and physically challenging year; however for a lot it was most importantly a spiritual alignment or shift that needed to take place before 2015.

Many of you probably adopted some New Year’s resolution however the holy spirit has advised me that for my personal experiences of 2014 I am not going to adopt any resolutions I will embrace the revelations that 2014 and years before that God has revealed about my future; and I shall walk towards and pursue the greater that awaits.

That greater will not only be monetary increase; but spiritually in tuned with the holy spirit; operating under the unction of the holy spirit; brand new assignments; with a fresh and powerful anointing. I encourage you to reflect back on the revelations that God has given unto you. Be blessed in knowing that the revelations of the promises far outweigh the resolutions made yearly. Are you committed to the revelations of God; that your latter shall be greater!! Trust in God’s revelations not man-made resolutions!!

© 2015 Evonn Firms

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