Monday, January 25, 2016

Hey there everyone it has definitely been a long time since I have posted via my blog. Wow we all have welcomed in a new year and I am sure many of you have made new resolutions or will attempt to work on previously desired resolutions. Nevertheless more posting coming soon as I have been before God concerning some major things within my own life as well as those within the gammon of ministry endeavors. Stay tuned!!!!

Kirk Franklin - Love (Remix) [FULL VERSION]

Saturday, September 26, 2015

There is beauty in brokenness! I encourage you to take a listen:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Back To Eden.....His vs Hissss

Back To Eden....

 ****Identifying the difference between His and Hissssssss******

The bad experiences doesn't have to make you bitter it made you see better, so now you know to expect better, require better, and you're doing better because of it!!

I just wanted to encourage many of the single women who are looking for their yet spouse. In the times we are living in it is imperative that first you know that if your method of "looking" has proven to be a disaster after disaster; then I encourage you to try it God's way PROVERBS 18:22. My goal in ministry is to enlighten women and teen girls to know that you are much more than just having a man.

Your value should never be contingent upon your relational status. Single is a status that gets shunned upon because you have not DEFINED this term for yourself. Many women are looking for a BOAZ when the fact of the matter that you may require a HOSEA, or a ABRAHAM or even an ISSAC. You may need a NEHEMIAH and quite possibly you can't accept or handle a DAVID or JOSHUA.

When you understand what qualities and expectations you require then although yes the "pickings" maybe slim; you will save yourself ultimately from soul-ties or ungodly ties to individuals whom were only suppose to be your assignment and not someone you were suppose to be in covenant with.

Ladies through the hurt,pain, and spirits of rejection,manipulation, disappointment the seeds of those spirits should have evoked a spirit of wisdom within you. Whenever there is a trending in the same test being given but with another individual surely you must reflect back on you. True we can all attest to a man doing us wrong; but the reality of it is when you first identify that a person goes against your morals, and principles you can determine then to detach before you attach.

Love is a splendid thing and it should be required by more than a profession from the mouth, or a hairdo, and a trip to the nail salon, a vacation, a handbag, especially if it gotta hurt you to do it. This mindset filters right inside the church many single women take on unassigned tasks, men who are just preying on their next victim. Yes he calls on the name Jesus but his actions, his lifestyle are of satan. It is important to know who you are so that a relationship, doesn't define who you are; it won't compromise who you are, but it will compliment and enhance who you are . I can promise you will spend many restless nights, and a lot of heartache by associating your identity with that of whose holding your heart yet causing you to hurt.

When love takes you to the place that you can no longer recognize who you are and your purpose then this is not healthy. It's true many men are not putting forth the effort to impress you; and there should come a point in your life where even a conversation cannot impress you. The saying actions speak louder than words is true for as the word of God even declared in Matthew 15:8 NIV " The people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me"

There's  lot of "allowed" lip service you've accepted; and the lip service will land you back to Eden deceived. Please know what you want and what you expect! Your experiences won't make you bitter when you demand better. You're not suppose to be in a relationship with everybody that you like or takes a liking to you anyways.........Remember God will send His and the enemy will surely send hissssss. 

© 2015 Evonn Firms Ministries 

Focus Scriptures:

Matthew 15:8 New International Version
"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

Isaiah 29:13  New International Version 
The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught."

 Genesis 3:1 International Standard Version
Now the Shining One was more clever than any animal of the field that the LORD God had made. It asked the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You are not to eat from any tree of the garden'?"

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

TRY CHRIST--Hezekiah Walker (feat. Monique Walker)

I am so excited with all that God is doing in this hour in the lives of those in the Kingdom!!
 The prophetic word God has given me for this hour for some of you is that He says “it is time for you to fully trust me, you say you trust me with your mouth, yet you harbor doubt in your heart. It is time for you to trust me completely with your life; for I know what is best for you. Stop going ahead of me! Release and relinquish unto me thus sayeth the Lord!!!!

The Lord has so much better in store for you; but you must receive and believe this as the Holy Spirit has imparted the words RELEASE AND RELINQUISH unto Him. It is simply amazing that we can cast all cares upon the one whom truly cares the one who can surely help us! To God be the glory for the great things; He has done and for what He has 
in store. 

©2015 Evonn Firms Ministries

Be blessed and please enjoy the video!! You've done it your way now TRY CHRIST!!