Thursday, November 13, 2014

I Told The Storm!

Before You Say I Do!

If a relationship in the dating phases is nothing but full of hell, and you have to be CSI all cities , the chief financial officer, GPS, UPS (yall will catch that later) in this relationship KEYWORD: DATING!! Nothing is going to change if you decide to say I do. You just licensed and agreed to all the same hellish behavior; but just on another level. You have all the signs in the DATING PHASE!! LEARN to discern God's open doors!! As you get older you should just know better. Memo ladies no real woman goes around "looking" for a man nor does she have too. This most definitely should be a forethought before an afterthought!!

You are worth the wait!!! Before you decide to say I DO; consider those things you DON'T need to compromise... YOUR WORTH and MORALS!! Loneliness should never be a factor in compromising who you for the sake of saying your in a relationship. Trust God's timing for your mate not your "temporary" need to fulfill your fleshly desires!!

©2014 Evonn Firms 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Juanita Bynum Fire praise dance

Don't Shoot the messenger but repeated mistakes are called CHOICES!! Some of yall women need a hobby not a husband. Find out who you are first and get your flesh under the subjection and the will of God.

I am sorry but every man you meet is NOT a potential husband nor husband material because you're not ready to be a wife!! It may look good on paper; but so does dead presidents.

Poor decisions should never come from a place of serial rejection; you must learn from past decisions. Age is clearly not a precursor to wisdom; ladies you deserve so much more. Yes it maybe easier said than done, however when you allow yourself to continuously be played time after time think about your children's lives you are destroying. Think about your very own life that you continue to compromise with just for the sake of saying you have some BODY!!

As a mother you have to lead by example; and what kind of example are you setting? Every potential "sleeping" mate is not qualified to be your ordained mate. Some of you need to place a sign on yourselves CLOSED FOR REPAIRS!!! There are some signs in which you can't continue to ignore. Ask God to lead you!! Allow revelation to lead you; not your matters of the heart!!

You have to embrace the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made!! The only man you should think like is JESUS and act like the lady that he has purposed and called you to be!! When you do it God's way and in God's timing trust that you were well worth the wait!!

Get free of your brokenness; give it all over to God!!

Psalms 139:14

©2014 Evonn Firms

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Genesis- Sister To Sister Moment

Sometimes God has to place you in solitary confinement for you to look at you. Looking in the mirror shouldn't just be to examine what may be our physical imperfections, and flaws; however looking deeper inside to what is internally scarred within us. There are some scars that from the physical eye that are hidden deep and we try with much human effort to keep these facts that are really ugly about us from surfacing. 

Many women have tried to mask hidden scars with makeup, material things, and yes even men. Some women have truly lost their sense of self and value by associating how they ultimately feel about themselves which they ultimately have tied or associated with the intention of "getting" a man. We can find many women with this same ideology within any environment even within the confines of our local worship places. 

God is wanting you to see yourself as He sees you!! You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  We too were created in His image as outlined in the "beginning" GENESIS 1:27. God felt that Adam needed and was worthy of a help-meet and along came Eve in Chapter 2. God orchestrated a blessing while Adam was asleep. God performed the first surgery on Adam to bring his blessing; his God ordained blessing to pass.

God presented Eve to Adam as a gift; you are the added blessing to your assigned Adam's life. If it's God-sent you won't have to force it; nor lose or compromise all of who you are to keep it!!!! God has a special man in mind that is anointed and ordained for you!!

So your  biggest achievement in life shouldn't be "getting" a man. Because if you learn to wait on God He has who He's purposed already assembled just for you!!


©2014 Evonn Firms

Ministry of Dance Video of the Week by:Chosen International Praise Dance Ministry, Inc. - Don't Take Your Joy

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I often wonder why so many single mothers lower their standards after bad relationships. I know many who often spiral into those same types of relationships only to be disappointed time after; time. To consciously keep making different soul tie after the next and to only consider "how you feel" after the smoke clears. You selfishly give yourself into relationship after relationship and neglecting the very relationships that should be your main priority. Your relationship with God and your relationship with your children. These two relationships are placed on the back burner while you continue in longing to be loved; wanted; and appreciated. All the feelings can be accommodated right where you are (home).

I am more apt to believe that it is more to life than "chasing" after love. Love undetected leads to the lives of your children being negatively impacted; because they will repeat the very cyclone of habits in which you have subjected them to. The catch-phrase from the movie Baby Boy his mother said " well mama got to have a life too" bothers me to the core. You volunteered your life in order to give life!!! Single mother is not a chosen title; it is infact a given when circumstances that may be beyond your control involuntarily elects you to carry this title.

God has purposed you to be more than a woman; He purposed you to be created in His image. Upholding what is right and what is true. God granted women the right to give life; that is the greatest gift that one could ever be given. Today say this short prayer: Lord I thank you for my life and the blessing you have given me to give life. Please make my life and my testimony one that is pleasing in your sight. Lord make my life be a life of blessing to all those that I may come in contact with. Mostly Lord make me the woman of God; the mother that YOU will have to me to be. Help me to be the mother that You have purposed me to be.


Proverbs 1:8


©2014 Evonn Firms

I am so pleased to be finishing up on some very important projects. I am currently finishing up an inspirational book focusing on single mothers; which I know will be a blessing for all to read. I am also working on my non-profit organization the Latter Rain Project. God is so awesome so if I haven't been a "chatty" friend, sister, etc. charge it to my head and not my heart. Please stay tuned as my creativity yields to God's will and His timing. Praying that my work will create dialogue and speak life to those who receive it! There is so much that I have experienced throughout the course of my life and God has called me to help other women by empowering and inspiring them. Through love and ministry I pray that lives are impacted and changed for the better. I lean not on my own understanding but that of Jesus who first allowed Himself to be broken. Out of my brokenness I am a willing vessel to do what He has purposed for me. Empower, Inspire, Impact, Encourage and Equip. From Pain to Purpose to the Pursuit of Promise!!!!

©2014 Evonn Firms